Product metal hollow cone tip

Metal Hollow Cone Spray Tip. Very Fine Atomised Spray With Uniformed Distribution. Metal Hollow Cone tip produces a hollow cone spray pattern with a ring-shaped impact area. The fixed internal whirl vane generates the spray pattern and uniform coverage. The spray tip has a flanged connection and is to be used with either threaded nozzle bodies or nozzle clamp holders (details shown in accessories section).

Plastic hollow cone tip fixed

The Plastic Hollow Cone tip produces a hollow cone spray pattern with a ring-shaped impact area. The fixed internal whirl vane generates the spray pattern and uniform coverage. The spray tip has a flanged connection and is to be used with either threaded nozzle bodies or nozzle clamp holders.

Product tangential hollow cone nozzle

Metal Tangential Full Cone Spray Nozzle. Uniform Distribution Spraying At 90° To The Inlet. The metal tangential full cone nozzle produces a full cone spray pattern that sprays at 90° to the inlet of the nozzle. A two piece nozzle body with internal swirl cone produces the full cone spray pattern. The nozzle has a square body for easy installation. Male and female threaded connections available.

Product metal full cone tip

Metal Full Cone Spray Tip. Full Cone Spray Tip With Uniform Distribution. The metal full cone tip produces a full cone spray pattern with uniform distribution. A fixed internal whirl plate generates the uniform coverage. The spray tip has a flange connection and is to be used in conjuction with either threaded nozzle bodies or nozzle pipe clamp holders (details shown in accessories section).

Product metal fan tip 1 1

Metal Flat Fan Spray Tip With Even Distribution Across The Spray Width. The plastic flat fan nozzle produces a flat fan spray pattern with an even and uniform distribution across the spray width. The flat fan nozzle is a one piece construction with a male threaded connection and hex body for easy installation.

Products plastic full cone tip

The plastic full cone tip produces a full cone spray pattern with uniform distribution. A fixed internal whirl plate generates the uniform coverage. The spray tip has a flanged connection and is to be used in conjuction with either threaded nozzle bodies or nozzle pipe clamp holders (details shown in accessories section).

Product metal full cone nozzle

Metal Full Cone Spray Nozzle. Full Cone Spray Nozzle With Uniform Distribution. The metal full cone nozzle produces a full cone spray pattern with uniform distribution. A fixed internal whirl plate generates the uniform coverage. The nozzle has a hex body design for easy installation. Male and Female threaded connections available.

Product plastic full cone nozzle

The plastic full cone nozzle produces a full cone spray pattern with uniform distribution. A fixed internal whirl plate generates the uniform coverage. The nozzle has a hex body design for easy installation.

Product metal flood jet nozzle

Metal Deflected Spray Nozzle. Wide Flat Fan Spray Nozzle With Uniform Distribution. The metal deflected nozzle produces a wide flat fan spray pattern with uniform distribution, the spray is deflected 75° from inlet of orifice. The spray nozzle is a one piece male pipe threaded design with a hex body for easy installation.

Product metal flood jet nozzle tip

Metal Deflected Spray Tip. Wide Flat Fan Spray Nozzle With Uniform Distribution. The metal deflected nozzle tip produces a wide flat fan spray pattern with uniform distribution, the spray is deflected 75° from inlet of orifice. The spray tip is a one piece construction, a three part assembly completes the nozzle assembly, comprising: nozzle body, retaining cap and spray tip.

Product plastic flood jet nozzle feat420 420

Plastic Deflected Spray Tip. Wide Flat Fan Spray Pattern With A Uniform Distribution. The plastic deflected nozzle tip produces a wide flat fan spray pattern with uniform distribution, the spray is deflected 75° from inlet of orifice. The spray tip is a one piece construction, a three part assembly completes the nozzle assembly, comprising: nozzle body, retaining cap and spray tip.

Product metal flat fan nozzle

Metal Flat Fan Spray Nozzle. The metal flat fan nozzle produces a flat fan spray pattern with an even and uniform distribution across the spray width. The flat fan nozzle is a one piece construction with a male threaded connection and hex body for easy installation.

Case Study

Pet Food Manufacturer

"Pet Food Manufacturer uses Sealpump Engineering spray technology to add vitamins to product."

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Stokesley Business Park
North Yorkshire