Office Humidification Systems
Humidity Control for Offices
Controlling Humidity in Offices
Controlling and maintaining the relative humidity levels in office environments can often get overlooked, however, areas that are artificially controlled by air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter can have a detrimental effect on employees’ health, decreasing productivity and increasing time at work lost through ill health.

The recommended humidity level for the workplace is between 40-60%RH, should this level drop below 40% then employees are at risk of suffering effects such as electrostatic shocks, dry eyes and throat, dehydration and an increased risk of viruses.
General fluctuations in the outside weather conditions effect the relative humidity within an office or meeting room, making it too low in the winter and sometimes too high in summer. In winter for example, conditions outside, coupled with increased heating which dries the air out can mean the humidity level can drop below 20% making it very uncomfortable. This also leads to the generation of static electricity on various surfaces such metal, plastics, and paper.
The natural reaction to low temperatures in winter is to increase the heating system within the room, however, this dries the air even more and means increased heating costs. Installing a humidification system, either in duct work or directly into the room actually makes the room feel warmer as well as a lot more comfortable.
Air conditioning use in the summer also dries then air, reducing humidity and increasing running costs. Use of the correct humidity control system combats this.
We offer several solutions for maintaining the relative humidity in office environments. For larger offices or buildings with separate rooms, we can provide a centralized humidity control system that can be installed within duct work, air conditioning and ventilation systems. For smaller offices, we can supply our range of direct room humidifiers.
We offer several solutions for maintaining the relative humidity in office environments. For larger offices or buildings with separate rooms, we can provide a centralized humidity control system that can be installed within duct work, air conditioning and ventilation systems. For smaller offices, we can supply our range of direct room humidifiers, along with our mobile humidifiers and air purifiers.
All our systems provide excellent and reliable humidity control and offer an efficient and cost-effective way of maintaining a comfortable working environment for staff.
When do you know humidity is too low in your office?
- Static electricity is created
- People suffer from dry eyes and dry skin
- People are dehydrated
- Coughs and colds are easily caught
- People feel tired and lethargic, especially after a few hours
Central ‘in duct’ humidification
Direct room humidification
Accurate and automatic RH control
Warmer, much more comfortable environment
People feel more alert
Reduced heating and ventilation costs, both in winter and summer
Less sick days
More productivity
Dry skin and eyes reduce
For Technical Information and Specifications,
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