Dust Control for Screening & Screen Houses

Sealpump, Spray Technology Experts

Dust Control for Screening & Screen Houses

Using ultrasonic fogging nozzles with droplets of 5 micron and very low water flow volumes ensures that effective dust suppression is possible within screen houses, with nozzles positioned in the roof area of the screen house without concern for over wetting and blockages within the mesh screen.  

Screen Houses generating high levels of dust also require additional fogging nozzles mounted around the screen, the spray pattern of nozzles should be generated so that all fugitive dust emissions are forced to pass through the blanket of fog.

For mobile screening processes it is more difficult, however using air atomising or full cone spray nozzles will greatly reduce the airborne dust.

Sealpump Engineering design and supply complete dust suppression solutions and have effectively solved dust problems for many screening processes.

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Case Study

Commercial Fabric Manufacturer

"Commercial fabric manufacturer improves test lab condition with accurate Dry Fog humidity control system"

19 Ellerbeck Court
Stokesley Business Park
North Yorkshire