Humidity Control for Clean Rooms & Laboratories
Spray Technology For the Pharmaceutical Industry
Humidification for Clean Rooms & Laboratories
Achieving and maintaining the correct level of humidity in a clean room or laboratory can have many benefits for processes, materials and people.
A relative humidity of between 40-60% is ideal for clean rooms and laboratories as this will maintain an atmosphere which is suited to the processes being carried out, reduce bacteria growth caused by too high humidity and reduce things such as static electricity build up, while also giving the people working a healthy and stable environment.
Depending on the type of room or facility, there are a number of different humidity control systems that are suitable for use, such as direct humidification or in-duct humidification. Whichever method of system is chosen, it is very important that the system features the highest standards of hygiene and performance. Our high pressure water humidification systems such as the Viscore, Alpha (direct room) or Orbit Wing & Corbit systems (in-duct) as well as our range of ultrasonic humidification systems are suitable for use in clean rooms and laboratories.
Using Reverse Osmosis (RO) water is recommended when controlling humidity in these environments. Reverse osmosis creates mineral free water which while helping reduce system maintenance, it eliminates the risks of mineral deposits being left once full evaporation has occurred on important equipment and materials.
Whatever the application, we have the right system which provides end to end, close humidity control as our systems feature in-built humidity and temperature sensors. They are also available as multi-zone controlled systems, meaning if you have more than one room that needs humidity control, this can be controlled by one main central controller.
For assistance and to learn more about our full product range, please contact our sales team.
Consistent and reliable humidity
Cost-effective solutions
The material can be stirred or temperature controlled
Low energy costs
Low maintenance
Service and after sales available
For Technical Information and Specifications,
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